What are the symptoms of Thyroid Problems in women?

Did you know? A woman is diagnosed five to eight times more with a thyroid condition than a man. Studies suggest that every eighth woman develops thyroid problems once during her lifetime. However, the reason for the following is still not known. Thus, instead of making speculations around the cause of this disease, one must rush to the best multispeciality hospital nearby. For this, you must be able to recognize the symptoms of thyroid. Read through to know the symptoms of thyroid. How do thyroid problems affect women? In women, thyroid malfunctioning can cause certain problems including: Problems with the menstrual cycle Problems in getting pregnant What are the different types of thyroid complications that affect women? The thyroid controls almost every function of your body. But once it gets pissed off, everything gets out of control. Here's a quick rundown of the types of thyroid complications that affect women: Hypothyroidism It occurs when yo...