Obesity & Complications In Total Knee Replacement Surgery

What is Obesity? Obesity is almost a pandemic in the current health scenario and it has been often established that it leads to a great number of lifestyle disorders including diabetes, hypertension, coronary problems, and more. Morbidly obese people face more complications in their daily movements and have been known to undergo Total Knee Replacement surgery at younger ages than those with a lower BMI. In recent research (meta-analysis, October ’17 issue, Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery) it has been established that obese patients who go through Total Knee Replacement surgery are almost twice as likely to incur infection post-surgery and more than 2 times likely to incur deep infection. The obese patients undergoing this procedure are a little more likely to later need a second surgery when compared to those that aren’t obese. Apart from the risk of infection, other complications post a Total Knee Replacement surgery that may arise f...