Harmful Effects of Sugar

We all have witnessed moments of a guilty pleasure, basking into the ecstasy of our favorite dessert slowly melting down our mouths. Tempted? Well, sugar is to be blamed for this, not you. From the time we come into this world, we get accustomed to the sweetening taste of lactose. And thus develops the unending urge of sugar munching. The divine pleasure of sweetness becomes a part and parcel of our lives. Sugar is an instant source of energy, breaking into glucose and reaching out to the cells. You wouldn’t be able to enjoy those day-long festivities, packed with never-ending stamina if sugar was missing from your life. Sugar boosts-up your mood instantly and gives a happy heavenly feeling, making it one of the best anti-depressant. Providing immediate energy to the body also helps in improving intellectual skills. But all that glitters is not gold. Excessive sugar leads to devastating aftermath. According to the World Health Organization, an adult male should take i...