What are the types of Spinal Cord Tumors?
Although rare, spinal tumors are among the most dangerous of all types of tumors. Treatment is recommended early to prevent their life-threatening effects. Early detection and proper treatment can save a person’s life. It can involve many different options, including treatment with chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. The muscles and bones of your spine help your posture, breathe, and move. Spinal tumors tend to occur in the vertebrae or discs. The abnormal growth arising from the tissues makes the spine refer to spinal tumors. There are two types of spine tumors which are : Malignant [cancerous ] Benign[non-cancerous] As these spine tumors grow, they can put pressure on the spinal cord resulting in severe complications. Where do these Tumors Form? The human spine cord is made up of several tissues that span the entire length of your back, into your neck and pelvis. A tumor can form in almost every issue. The tissues that may develop tumor are: Bones ...