What are the symptoms of Thyroid Problems In Women?

Being a woman is not an easy job in this modern world. We are so trapped in the complicated juggle of both work and home life so we often neglect our health. We may face a plethora of health issues in today’s fast going life. The thyroid is among the most common problems faced by women of today’s generation. A projected study shows that about 42 million people in India suffer from thyroid diseases. However, women are more likely to have thyroid diseases as compared to men. Every eighth woman develops thyroid problems during her lifetime. But, the reason why women are more vulnerable is not known. One reason can be the high flux of hormones during pregnancy and again at menopause. A common cause of hypothyroidism and its variants is autoimmunity, which is more common among women. Special antibodies can destroy thyroid cells leading to autoimmune thyroiditis. Hence, it enhances the chances of thyroid in women. How do thyroid problems affect women? Our thyroid gland...