Breast Cancer - Symptoms and Risk Factor | Amandeep Hospital
Breast Cancer - Symptoms and Risk Factor Breast cancer has emerged as major cancer amongst women of India, displacing cervical cancer. Data from the Ministry of Health has ranked breast cancer as the number one cancer among Indian women with a rate as high as 25.8 per 100,000 women and mortality of 12.7 per 100,000 women. Breast cancer is no longer cancer of older women around 25% of breast cancer is beginning to be seen in women younger than 50. Hence, all women need to know the signs and symptoms of breast cancers and risk factors for the development of breast cancer. The common symptoms of breast cancer are Lump in the breast or under am (around or in armpit area) Thickening / swelling change in skin texture of part of the breast Redness /flaky skin in the nipple area Change in nipple area/pain Discharge from nipple (other than breast milk) Change in size or shape of the breast g) pain in any area of the breast. If any woman notices any of these, it i...