Dehydration And Diarrhea: What Are The Causes, Signs And Treatment Options?
Signs and Symptoms
If you are dehydrated and don't replenish lost fluids, the signs and symptoms become more severe over time. Some people may experience mild to moderate dehydration without knowing it, while others might experience severe dehydration right away. You can tell that you're dehydrated if your urine output decreases or becomes darker in color than usual. Other signs of dehydration include:
- Dry mouth
- Dry eyes
- Headache
- Muscle cramps
- Fatigue
- Confusion or disorientation
- Rapid pulse
- Low blood pressure (hypotension)Persistent thirst, especially for sweet drinks like soda or juice.
Most cases of diarrhea resolve within three
days and do not require specific treatment. Drinking liquids (non-carbonated)
may help relieve symptoms such as nausea or bloating. If dehydration occurs, an oral
rehydration solution (ORS) should be used to prevent excessive dehydration.
This can include drinking 2-3 liters of a mixture of water and sugar each day.
Severe or prolonged cases of diarrhea may require intravenous fluids if there
is no improvement after several days.
Diarrhea and dehydration are both problems
that can be avoided by drinking more water, but they can also occur as a result
of taking antibiotics or due to natural causes. Home remedies are useful in
flushing out the intestinal tract; this gentle method also prevents the damage
that can be caused when you eat food with diarrhea instead of drinking fluids.
If you're concerned about dehydration, drinking oral rehydration solution is an
easy way to prevent further damage and speed up recovery.
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